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This special kind of tea for weight loss in its composition does not differ much from the usual tea. But the main ingredient that makes "lose weight", is laxative and diuretic herbs. Often, it adds even tropical fruits. If you seriously will take to drink tea, then try to starve yourself for this type of testing for a period of about a month. The result will be visible on the face, the body is dehydrated. And if you find even low-quality products, then you guaranteed diarrhea. Big minus - is the return of the lost weight in a short time, and sometimes in excess. Thai pills This type of drug is officially banned in the western market. But in our country, to get it pretty easy. Why is it forbidden? The answer is simple. The chemical composition of the Thai tablets is addictive. Every third who take these drugs, affects the heart valves, disturbed sleep, loss of hair, and noticeably peeling skin. This method is dangerous for human health. fat burner The name is already very promising. But in fact nothing is burned, it is nothing more than a publicity stunt. The effect here is another, and the fact that the metabolism becomes faster and better tolerated load. This type of preparation is more suitable for those who lead a way of life itself is the active, or for those who are engaged in fitness. Conversely, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then this.


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